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Weather and Terrain

Vail Pass Sees First Snow of the Season

August 27, 2021
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Ski season is right around the corner. Don't believe me? Well, last week, Berthoud, Fall River, and Vail Pass were hit with their first snow of the season! Knowing that sure makes ski season feel close!  


Photo from twitter

The snow started out light on Thursday, August 21, 2021 and picked up as the evening wore on. Berthoud Pass reported heavy snow and a wind chill of 16 degrees at 2 AM on Friday, August 20. Come daylight, Mount Chapin, Fall River Canyon, Old Fall River Road, and Trail Ridge in Rocky Mountain National Park were all coated in white. Snow stuck to the road around Vail Pass, coming awfully close to Denver! 


Photo from twitter

August snow has been known to happen in Colorado, especially around Vail, which is in a region that is home to some of the highest and snowiest peaks in the state. While the snow was bad enough that Trail Ridge Road over the Continental Divide in Rocky Mountain National Park was closed due to “whiteout conditions,” weekend temperatures were far above freezing. Still, the snow was a nice retreat from this summer's intense heat! Consider this August snow a little teaser of the ski season to come. Take this as your sign to start planning your next ski season adventure in Vail!

Believe me now? Dust off your ski gear- ski season will be here before you know it! 

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